Why subscribe?
Navigating the early stages of a startup is uniquely challenging, with new technologies like AI reshaping industries and the effects of globalization altering how businesses operate. For first-time founders, these dynamics can be particularly daunting, and it's here that the right insights can make all the difference.
Here’s why Founder's Inception Digest is essential for anyone involved in the early-stage startup ecosystem:
Decade of Expertise: In Startup Intellect, I have been working with early-stage startups for over a decade, guiding them through the complexities of market entry, funding, and scaling. This newsletter is an extension of this mission, crafted to bring you actionable insights and guidance.
Focused Research: My deep interest in researching the early-stage startup arena means that each piece of content is grounded in the latest findings and best practices. Whether it's leveraging AI or understanding global market shifts, I'm dedicated to uncovering the data that matters.
Tailored for First-Time Founders: Recognizing the challenges first-time founders face, the Digest is designed to demystify the process of starting and growing a new business. From securing your first round of funding to making your first hire, we cover the pivotal steps that aren't just theoretical but are immediately applicable.
Subscribe to Founder's Inception Digest today and equip yourself with the knowledge and support you need. Let’s embark on this journey together.
Who I am?
My name is Deniz, and I am the founder and venture partner at Startup Intellect based in Istanbul. I am helping pre-seed startups achieve their initial user, market, business model validations, and seed fundraising. I am a pure Versatilist. In my 25-year career, I have had some corporate roles like solution architect of enterprise software, a management consultant and data engineer in a retail bank, a program manager in a large system integrator program, and more. Also, I have personally driven roles like founder and salesperson of my startup, blog and white paper writer, VC consultant, and startup advisor. Within this journey, what made me feel best was working with startups and helping them. This newsletter is part of my interest in helping founders.
Follow along to understand how founders can attack early-stage challenges.